BTS Joins LinkedIn

The BTS now has a LinkedIn group which members are encouraged to join. The purpose of the group is to enable proactive sharing of news and information and encourage discussion amongst members on topical issues and matters of mutual interest. It also provides a means of communicating information on upcoming events and issues affecting the Society. Other anticipated advantages are that it will help boost membership and meeting attendance, and drive traffic to the BTS website. Your active participation is therefore very much encouraged.

Joining the group is simple:

For existing LinkedIn users it is extremely easy. Click this link, which will take you straight to the BTS LinkedIn Group. Then simply click the ‘Join Group’ button. Your application to join will be processed quickly by the administrators of the Group and you will receive confirmation of your approved membership.

BTS members who currently do not have LinkedIn access will firstly need to become a member of LinkedIn itself. This is a very simple process and can be performed by going to the LinkedIn registration page

Once you are a registered member of the BTS LinkedIn group you will be able to post links to articles, start active discussions with other members and receive updates from the BTS on upcoming events. Please do visit regularly and be as active as possible.

We hope you will take advantage of this popular social media tool, which will enhance communication between the Society and its members as well as stimulate interesting discussions between the members.