Scottish Interest Toxicology Group Meeting, October 7th 2022
Event Date: October 7th - 7th 2022
The STIG meeting was celebrated on 7th October 2022 in Dundee. It was organised by the University of Aberdeen (Prof. Heather Wallace) and University of Dundee (Prof. Roland Wolf, Dr. Francisco Inesta) and generously sponsored by the BTS Ambassadors Scheme. There were 32 delegates from different backgrounds: academia (University of Edinburgh, Heriott-Watt, Glasgow, Newcastle, Strathclyde) and industry (Charles Rivers, Penman Consulting, Forthtox). Some of the attendees heard about the BTS for the first time during this meeting, particularly young researchers. There were 10 talks in three different sessions covering a range of toxicology areas, grouped into inhalation toxicology, drug development and environmental toxicology. The calibre of the talks was high (several professors/division directors), but there was also participation from early career researchers. The talks were very informative and the engagement of the audience during the discussions was extensive. There were several posters in display along the day and next to the meeting room. The opportunity to interact in person was very celebrated and there was a feeling of “going back to normal” after COVID restrictions. There was plenty of time for informal catch ups and networking. For example, a nanotoxicology network was announced, which was of great interest for attendees. The University of Edinburgh will look into organising the STIG next year