BTS Committee Election 2024 – Two Ordinary Members for the Executive Committee



Dear BTS Member

As stated in the 2024 AGM papers we are holding a ballot for the two vacancies of Ordinary Members on the Executive Committee which will be available from the 2024 AGM for a three year term, with an opportunity for those elected to stand for a second term. The Executive Committee provides strategic oversight for the running of the Society and guidance to the Subcommittees responsible for our scientific meetings, speciality sections, education and training programmes, publicity, communication, equity, diversity and inclusivity.


There are three candidates eligible who are:

Rani Ghosh, Kimberly-Clark, UK

Professor Gary Hutchinson, Edinburgh Napier University, UK

Professor Vicki Stone, Herriott-Watt University, UK


The candidate statements are below, please click on the candidate’s name to see their full statement.

After reading the statements, please select your choice/s. You can vote for up to 2 candidates, one for each of the positions available. The deadline for voting is of 22.59 on the 10th April 2024.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Professor Shirley Price

General Secretary of the BTS

Ordinary Members Nominees

With this application, I bring over a decade of experience as a Toxicologist in global roles across various sectors. With a background in Neuro-oncology, my non-traditional route into toxicology provides a unique perspective that would be of value to the BTS community, particularly as we work towards remediating the skills gap in Regulatory Toxicology and engage early career Toxicologists.
My formal training in toxicological risk assessment was self-directed/mentor led, with a successful application to be a part of the UK/EU register (2017), and board certification pending (2024).

My expertise lies in human health risk assessment with a strong emphasis on scientific risk communication, leading global safety programmes in compliance with regulatory frameworks governing cosmetics, general products, and medical devices. I have had the privilege of working both within the consumer healthcare industry and as a regulator for the Australian Government’s Department of Health (formerly NICNAS), allowing me to develop a well-rounded skill set to
contribute meaningfully to public health.

My commitment to the BTS began both as a member (2016) and part of the BTS Newsfeed Editorial team (2017). This opportunity not only supported my passion for staying abreast of emerging trends and developments in toxicology, sharing with the wider toxicology community, but also provided an opening to work with fellow UK based Toxicologists, where my exposure has typically been more global. Through my involvement, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the BTS’s mission and values, and how, as members, we can have influence to strengthen our industry that requires the continued cross-pollination of diverse backgrounds/mindsets.

Advocacy work is a cornerstone of my dedication to the field of Toxicology, I contribute time serving both as a protector of industry interests and as an educator. I am often called to provide an expert opinion for media based scientific risk communication (The Times, Refinery29); breaking down complex scientific concepts to the layperson (and importantly) tying this to how toxicology is designed to protect public health, where our industry is largely overlooked as a discipline.

I am active in other trade association consortia, contributing to the development of educational tools for members/non members alike; recently I volunteered to be a part of the CTPA New Assessment Methodologies (NAMs) advisory group to increase the confidence of (cosmetic) regulatory decision making for chemicals using an integrated (non-animal) approach. I am also co-leading a training programme to provide direct guidance to Trading Standards (UK) on safety
assessment, as they look to prosecute manufacturers selling unsafe personal care products on the UK market.

With this application, I further solidify my dedication to supporting the BTS’s mission of advancing the science and practice of toxicology while promoting the health and well-being of individuals and the environment. As an ordinary member, I am confident that my multidisciplinary background together with my global experience will support enriching discussions which can positively impact the BTS’s footprint in the field of Toxicology.

Professor Hutchison undertook his scientific training by completing an Honours degree in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Stirling and went on to study an MSc in Drug Design and Biomedical Science before undertaking a PhD examining the toxicology of inhaled particles at Napier University. In 2004 he began his post-doctoral career with the Medical Research Council in the Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, where he held two posts, one in reproductive toxicology.

Professor Hutchison is Dean of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University, member of the University Senior Leadership Team, Lead for the Borderlands Region and City Deal Mountain Bike Innovation Centre project, and Chair of the University Environmental Sustainability Strategy Group.

Professor Hutchison has been an independent scientific advisor to the UK Government for more than 10 years and currently holds membership of FSA Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment; Defra’s College of Scientific Experts; and is a member of the FSA and Office for Product Safety & Standards registers of specialists. Previous memberships include Defra’s Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (HSAC), the NANoREG UK steering group, and UK Government Nanotechnologies Strategy Forum.

Professor Hutchison contributes to leadership across the HE sectors by Chairing the Scottish Institute for Policing Research Board of Governance and is Chair of the Edinburgh Exchange Initiative, and membership of the Marine Alliance for Science & Technology Scotland (MASTS) Governing Council. He is an active member of the Scottish Council of Deans for Education, leading the expert sub-committee focusing on STEM education.

Professor Hutchison is responsible for leading nano toxicology research at the University with the aim of identifying whether a variety of nano-forms can enter the human body, interact with the reproductive system and cause harm. Professor Hutchison was submitted to RAE 2008, REF2014 and REF2021 and has secured and contributed to large collaborative nanotoxicology studies such as the EU FP7 projects ENPRA, ENRHES & MARINA and Horizon2020 BIORIMA project.

Vicki Stone is Professor of Toxicology at Heriot-Watt University and an Honorary Principal Scientist at the Institute of Occupational Medicine. She is a member of the UK REACH Independent Scientific Expert Pool (RISEP) and the Scottish Chemicals Policy Network.  She was Editor-in-chief of Nanotoxicology (2006-2011), and was recognised by Clarivate Analytics as one of the top 1% of researchers for the most cited publications in Pharmacology and Toxicology (2015-2019).

In the British Association for Lung Research Vicki acted as Treasurer for two years. She helped to establish the British Society for Nanomedicine as a Trustee for two years. For the Royal Society of Edinburgh she was appointed to a Sectional Committee dealing with fellowship applications for six years including three years as chair, as well as Interim Vice President for Life Sciences for one year. Vicki held the Royal Society of Chemistry Toxicology Award (2015-16), and has been working on their Environment, Sustainability and Energy Award Division Prize Committee for four years. For BTS Vicki won the best student presentation in 1994, and she is currently an Ambassador. Vicki is establishing a new MSc in Toxicology at Heriot-Watt University and she been appointed to the MRC ITTP Steering Committee.

Vicki’s research focuses on the toxicology of particles, nanomaterials and advanced materials.  She coordinated the EU project GRACIOUS the results of which are being incorporated, led by Vicki on behalf of the UK into OECD guidance on the grouping of chemicals.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

My choices for the new Ordinary Members on the Executive Committee are: