Professor Ian Copple

Chair of the Scientific Subcommittee

Ian Copple is Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and an MRC Senior Non-clinical Fellow, based at the University of Liverpool. His research focusses on how cells sense and adapt to chemical and oxidative stress, the role this plays in drug toxicity, and how these processes can be targeted for therapeutic purposes. In particular, Ian is recognised internationally as an expert in the pharmacology and toxicology of the Nrf2 antioxidant response pathway. He is also academic lead of the Human Liver Research Facility, a partnership between the University of Liverpool and the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Ian has received several awards in recognition of his research achievements, including the British Toxicology Society’s Early Career Investigator Prize in 2018 and the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Early Career Award (Toxicology Division) in 2023.

In addition to his research activities, Ian teaches pharmacology and toxicology to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and was awarded the British Pharmacological Society’s Rang Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching in 2022. He is a Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society and the Higher Education Academy.