Professor Shirley Price – General Secretary
Shirley is a graduate of the University of London completing her first degree in Biochemistry before coming to Surrey to gain a MSc in Toxicology and going on to complete her PhD in Epigenetic Carcinogenesis. Shirley has over 25 years’ experience in toxicology specialising in mechanisms of toxicity, combined effects of chemical mixtures at low exposure level and the effects of non-genotoxic carcinogens. Currently involved with three major European consortia delivering bespoke training in the fields of Safety Sciences and Pharmaceutical Medicine to the Pharmaceutical Industry. Shirley sits on a number of government committees including the Commission of Human Medicines, Expert Advisory Groups on Paediatric Drugs and Veterinary Residues, and have chaired the UK Register of Toxicologists until December 2011. She is also a member of the Cogent Skills Advisory Group and a member of the OCR Higher Education Consultative Forum. She is currently the Head of Academic Quality and Academic Appeals having completed 5 years as Associate Dean at the University of Surrey.
I am the current General Secretary for the British Toxicology Society having served one term. My contributions to the British Toxicology Society include Chair of the Education Subcommittee, Secretary to the Communication Subcommittee and as a co-opted member on the Financial Subcommittee. I am currently an Officer and full member of the Executive Committee. I have been the Honorary Scientific Meetings Secretary for two full terms and then served one further year to ensure continuity and succession planning for the Society.